“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Proud Podium

Last Friday we held our second proud podium of the term.
Students have been nominated by staff for something which they have done that they should be proud of. These can be achievements in and out of school.
Well done to all of last weeks students.
Freya Hunt7Always doing things to be helpful in form, she is a superstar
Lilly Mae Mitchell11Fantastic start in the Induction Centre, very kind and caring
Nina Yefremenko11Very good start to the Induction Centre and all her assessments
Krystal Morris10Inspirational, great work ethic in the Induction Centre
Jennifer Weight8An excellent ukulele performance and great tab reading
Alex Bainbridge8An excellent ukulele performance and great tab reading
Olivia Dziwota8Excellent piece of homework for PSHE relating to Children’s Rights
Warren Green8Achieving top marks in PSHE quick quiz – 18 out of 18 well done!
Sienna Quinn7Excellent contribution to RE discussion, mature attitude
Alfie Grange Smith7Excellent opinions given in RE in a mature manner
Keeley Brown7Excellent piece of PSHE homework relating to Childrens Rights
Georgia Haddick7Fantastic focus on painting skills
Eden Roberts7Fantastic focus on painting skills
Rose Morley-Green7Fantastic focus on painting skills
Mia Purvis8Excellent ukulele work and effort in lessons
Mia Tanswell11For being a Young Musician finalist
Summer Charlton7Excellent contributions to PSHE discussions, sharing experiences
Ethan Kirkham7Excellent contributions to PSHE discussions, confident in class
Connor Ward10Has a trial coming up for Leicester Tigers Rugby Club
Lexie Parker11Fantastic start to this academic year working extremely hard and 100% attendance
Chanelle Thompson11For having a positive transition to her main school lessons and receiving excellent feedback from teachers
Alfie Wilson8Full week attendance
Zak Frost11100% effort in every English lesson
Goodluck Ojo8Always contributes in class, excellent written work (English)
Ella Grocock10Excellent work in English. Volunteers to read and completes all work set
Kassie Smart11Excellent work ethic in English
Ruby Hanks11Always trying to improve her work (English)
Eden Roberts7For always being so kind positive and helpful to all those in the tutor 
Liam Plumtree7For growing in confidence and trying a variety of new things at school
Corey Thirkall8Managing himself really well in his new music class
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Proud to be TGA

TGA Proud Podium

Last Friday we held our weekly Proud Podium, celebrating 67 students for a wide range of achievements. All students who are nominated for the Podium

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