“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Exam Information

Useful revision tips

All students should:

  • Plan to take breaks after thirty or forty-five minutes at most. Any longer and it is likely that nothing more will sink in. Take a short break in between sessions and have a glass of water or something similar to drink. Get up and walk around.
  • Plan revision in the evenings after school to allow for relaxation time
  • Plan to revise specific topics in each subject, not everything at once – planning time provided
  • Ensure that each session starts by tackling the most difficult bits.
  • Plan to cover each subject several times and revisit each one near to the exams.
  • Revising with the TV or radio on or with loud music is not a good idea.
  • Reading is not generally enough. Making brief notes in either words or pictures helps them to remember. They should by now, know which way works best for them.
  • Have all the books they need to hand so they don’t have to go off looking for information.


During the exam period

Try to ensure that:

  • You get a good night’s sleep before exams
  • You have all the equipment you need.
  • You know the start times of every exam that day.


Parents/Carers can help by:

  • Recognising how important these exams are and how much time they will need if they are to do as well as they can.
  • Not asking them to do too many chores or look after younger brothers and sisters.
  • Encouraging the rest of the family to help by not disturbing revision.
  • Securing a quiet place for study, where their work can be safely kept.
  • Encouraging relaxation time (the continuous study is not helpful.)
  • Praising hard work.
  • Emphasising the need for plenty of sleep.
  • Helping them to forget about each exam as it is finished.
  • Reminding them that it will be worth it and will soon be over!


Arriving for the Exam

  • Be Prompt! Morning examinations start at 9.00am and afternoon examinations start at 1.30pm.
  • You MUST arrive at least 20 minutes before the start of the examination.
  • If you arrive after 9.30am for a morning examination or after 2.00pm for an afternoon examination it is very unlikely that the awarding body will mark your paper.


What to Bring

  • Your pen must be BLACK for all examinations.
  • Only CLEAR pencil cases will be allowed and you should not use gel pens, correction fluid or highlighters on your paper.
  • Please ensure that you bring the correct equipment into your examination. We do not always have the equipment available for everybody in the examination room and this could result in you taking the examination without everything you need.
  • Bottled water with a spill proof cap will be allowed in the examination room if necessary. There must be no labels on the bottle.


What Not to Bring

  • Do not bring any items into the examination room with an electronic communication/storage device or digital facility. This includes your mobile phones, MP3 players and watches.
  • You must NOT bring any notes or any other items that could provide you with an unfair advantage.
  • For examinations where you require a calculator, you should not have a cover or lid on your desk.
  • Food is also NOT allowed in the examination room unless a previous arrangement has been made with the Examinations Office.
  • If you are found in possession of any of the above items you may be disqualified from the examination by the awarding body.


What to Wear

  • You should dress in school uniform for the examination.
  • The temperature in the Sports Hall can fluctuate enormously. Consider wearing something comfortable with a jacket or jumper that can be taken on or off.Hats are not allowed and you will be told to remove them.


Conduct in the Examination Room

  • There is absolutely no talking or communication between students once you enter the examination room.
  • If you have any questions you should raise your hand once seated and an invigilator will come to you.
  • Any other communication will be treated as misconduct and you will be reported to the awarding body. This could lead to disqualification.
  • Please remember that the invigilators are there to ensure that your exam runs smoothly and in accordance with the rules and regulations set by the Joint Council of Qualifications (JCQ). With this in mind please listen to and follow their advice and instructions at all times.

Exam Certificates

If you will be unable to collect your certificates in person, please provide a stamped, self-addressed envelope to reception prior to the end of the summer term.

Wishing to collect certificates from 2021 or earlier?

Please contact School on  01427 612411 or by e-mail at admin@gainsboroughacademy.com to arrange collection. Certificates will be ready to collect from the Exams Office or Reception within 48 hours. Please bring ID with you or send a letter of authorisation with the person who is collecting on your behalf.

Please note: Certificates will not be issued to a 3rd party without your written permission (no text messages).

Replacement Exam Certificates

If you have lost your original certificates, you may apply for a certifying statement of results, which is an official copy of the final exam results held by the awarding exam bodies. It is accepted by universities, colleges and employers as verification of results.

Depending on which examinations you took, you may need to contact each exam board. Below are links to the main exam board websites which will give you the information required to obtain replacement certificates and/or confirmation of results.

Examinations Calendars & Timetables

All students will be given a personal timetable prior to the examination season beginning – YOU are responsible for checking your timetable and arriving promptly for every exam.

You should check your timetable and raise any questions as soon as possible with the exams officer who will then speak to your subject teacher.

Important Information

Save the Date

Thursday 26th September 4.30 – 6.30pm – Year 5/6 Open Evening

We look forward to opening our doors to some of our potentially future students. This evening will give them an opportunity to take a tour around the school and have a look into the sort of topics they will be covering in the subjects.

See out Transition page for more information:

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