“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Proud Podium – Week 5

This week a total of 90 students were nominated for the proud podium. It is always amazing to speak to students about how proud they are of their achievements whether this be in school or outside of school. It really does show that students are developing the skills to leave the academy able and qualified. All full list of winners can be found below the images.
Proud to be TGA
Students nominated this week were:
Alfie Plester9 I am so proud of how Alfie is behaving and controlling his emotions since being back at school (Miss Battye)
Elliot Taylor9Having 2 assists in his football match at the weekend, winning 11-2 overall!
Riley Ladley9100% attendance since the beginning of the year, a huge improvement from last year
Lewis Anderson Dawson9He has been working exceptionally hard on crafting his English Language analysis writing skills
Whitney Freeland9Turning it around in Health and Social Care
George Taylor7Applying the MFL way effectively in their spanish lessons
Abrianna Holmes7Applying the MFL way effectively in their spanish lessons
Lacey-Elise Martin 7Applying the MFL way effectively in their spanish lessons
Cara Bristow 7Applying the MFL way effectively in their spanish lessons
Courtney Taylor 9Going above and beyond throughout their healthy lifestyle scheme of work in PE
Poppy Plester 9Going above and beyond throughout their healthy lifestyle scheme of work in PE
Hannah Myers 8Going above and beyond throughout their healthy lifestyle scheme of work in PE
Abigail Taylor 8Going above and beyond throughout their healthy lifestyle scheme of work in PE
Cody Bryant9Fantastic grade on their mid-term assessment in Sport Studies
Owen Blain9Fantastic grade on their mid-term assessment in Sport Studies
Clearance Ocran9 Fantastic grade on their mid-term assessment in Sport Studies
Angel Flear9Fantastic grade on their mid-term assessment in Sport Studies
Henry Postlethwaite9Showed great mentoring skills in Boccia
Darcie Drayton8Being a fantastic ambassador for languages on Open Evening
Kaleb Sheriff8Being a fantastic ambassador for languages on Open Evening
Natasha Bradley9Being a fantastic ambassador for languages on Open Evening
Brooke Flear8Being a fantastic ambassador for languages on Open Evening
Kacie Jo White8Being a fantastic ambassador for languages on Open Evening
Izabelle Hearn9Being a fantastic ambassador for languages on Open Evening
Oscar Wheater Hart7For an excellent presentation during the Careers lesson (English)
Ethan Kirkham7Star of the week in English
Dylan Arnold10For being brave on the climbing wall
Rhys Sutton10Excellent teamwork on the trip
Scarlett Taylor10Excellent teamwork on the trip
Lacey Harker10Excellent climbing skills on the trip
Molly Torres10Excellent climbing skills on the trip
Aston Dale10Excellent teamwork on the trip
Cody Glen8Contributions to PSHE lesson
Lauren Porter11Improved effort in Childcare
Ollie Fisher9Excellent creativity displayed in PSHE
Jayden Hurley9Excellent creativity displayed in PSHE
Thomas Smith10Improved care and attention with presentation in Childcare
Mitzee Marshal7Completion of RE homework, excellent design for motto
Matthew Williamson10Excellent performance in Science
Ella Brewer7Excellent performance in Science
Star Willows9Excellent work in lesson and helping others
Amelia Kus8Dance competition at the weekend – 2 x 2nd place, 1 x 3rd place and 1 x 4th place (made all finals)
Max Liever8Excellent verbal work in Geography
Brayden Birkett10For an outstanding performance on the climbing wall
Mason Grange Smith10For overcoming fears on the climbing wall
Emily Leak10For overcoming fears on the climbing wall
Corey Thirkell8For talking like a Geography specialist
Lukas Lukosevicius9For excellent work in Geography
Kara Martin9For excellent effort in Geography
Brandon Smart10For a stoic performance at open evening
Dhruv Patel9For consistent hard work and excellent grasp of geographical concepts
Isabel Briggs11Excellent homework for childcare
Chloe Gray11Excellent homework for childcare
Ruby Hanks11Excellent homework for childcare
Molly Saxton10Most CFPs in 10C form, well-done!
Leanne Manning11Excellent homework for childcare
Sienna Quinn7Excellent contributions to PSHE class discussions
Amie Leigh May9Producing some excellent work in BASE and has settled in really well.
Stevie Anne Skinner10Supporting a new pupil in the IC and a great start to Y10
Molly Tanswell7Participation in PSHE, sharing ideas with the group
Connor Roberts7Participation in PSHE, sharing ideas with the group
Logan Carneiro8For his consistently positive attitude towards his work and his school
Marcus Owen7Outstanding contribution to philosophical discussion in RE
Lilly-Mae Mitchell11Making great progress in IT, well done!
Amelia Pitman7Mastering the art of CROCHET in a weekend!
Robert Hutton9Amazing work with spreadsheets
Kye Haines10For a fantastic presentation during the BBC workshop
Goodluck Ojo8Amazing creative writing
Malinda Knight11For a brilliant article on AI during the BBC workshop
Chloe Gray11For leading a group during the BBC workshop
Leanne Manning11For engagement in the BBC workshop
Tommy Farrant10For a great presentation on AI during the BBC workshop
Ebony Plant10Praised by the BBC presenters for being amazing
Isla McCullough9For contributing to the BBC workshop presentation
Scarlett Duffield9For an amazing presentation on AI during the BBC workshop
Delanie Jarrold9For an amazing contribution during the BBC workshop
Scott Kami9For an amazing contribution during the BBC workshop
Lily Gibson8For a brilliant presentation during the BBC workshop
Zak Frost11For a brilliant article on AI during the BBC workshop
Yasmin Clarkson9For an amazing presentation during the BBC workshop
Ella Grocock10Excellent contribution during BBC workshop
Jayden Hurley9Fantastic effort in science and completing GCSE questions.
Zac Boswell9Fantastic effort in science and completing GCSE questions.
Zane Cozen11For attending chess club and learning how to win a king and pawn vs king endgame & coming 1st in the school chess tournament
Flynn Cuthbert9For attending chess club and learning how to win a king and pawn vs king endgame & coming 4th in the school chess tournament
Dhruv Patel9For attending chess club and learning how to win a king and pawn vs king endgame
Lewis Anderson Dawson9For attending chess club and learning how to win a king and pawn vs king endgame
Brandon Aisthorpe9For attending chess club and learning how to win a king and pawn vs king endgame
Connor Pettinger11For coming 2nd in the school chess tournament
Owen Blain9For coming 3rd in the school chess tournament 

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