“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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TGA Proud Podium

On Friday we held our weekly PROUD podium. It is always an amazing experience to talk to our students about the achievements which they should be proud of.
Each week staff nominate students for achievements which range from improved attendance, to brilliant work. to helping a friend or an achievement from outside of school.
Over 40% students have been nominated for the Proud podium this term. Students also get to send a postcard home to tell friends and family what they are proud of .
This weeks Proud podium students were:
Billy Kirman7Fantastic focus and concentration exploring and carving pumpkins
Alicia Berridge11Fantastic fieldwork
Lily Mae Mitchell11Making great progress in IT, well done!
Billy Kirman7Superb in his Food Technology Lesson
Dakota Rands11For settling down in Geography
Keaton Gray7For showing resilience in a Geography assessment
Alex Bainbridge8Consistent fantastic work in Geography
Millie Colton Goodwin11For always engaging in geographical classroom discussion
Freya Louise Proud8For insightful comments in Geography
Zoe Ogunjobi8For taking risks and answering questions in Geography
Leon Haines9Amazing engagement effort and behaviour in Science
Jess Fallon8Outstanding effort with transition at TGA
Jaci Crowie9Being a role model to other students
Henry Grange Smith8Great British Values discussion
Beth Arnold8Great British Values discussion
Josh Weavers11Fantastic PSHE lesson on mental health
Connor Roberts7Always giving 100% in IT
Lucy Anne Bew8Great effort and determination in IT
Daisey Malone7Always doing her best in IT
Jason Chapman8Always listening carefully and following instructions in IT
Ella Brewer7Always engaging in lessons (IT) well done!
Ruby Beaumont7Always polite and hardworking
Kayden Bassett9Contributions to class discussion in PSHE
Lacey Ellise Martin7Excellent contributions to discussion in PSHE
Keely Bateman10Excellent effort during research project in childcare
Goodluck Ojo8Participation in PSHE, sharing ideas with the group
Kallie Blakey8Participation in PSHE, sharing ideas with the group
Lily Ann Chadwick8Participation in PSHE, sharing ideas with the group
Lilli Richardson7Excellent piece of RE work relating to creation
Isabel Briggs11100% effort at all times in childcare
Ruby Hanks11100% effort at all times in childcare
Leanne Manning11100% effort at all times in childcare
Mia Tanswell11For taking pride in her work, she has upheld an amazing standard of beautiful presentation all year
Neo Hampson11Neo has been to 1 science lesson all year, he came into chemistry ready to learn, engaged with the lesson and completed all work to a good standard.
Jess Fallon8Completing the best coordinate work in the class this week
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Proud to be TGA

TGA Proud Podium

Last Friday we held our weekly Proud Podium, celebrating 67 students for a wide range of achievements. All students who are nominated for the Podium

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