Friday 1st December saw the return of the annual TGA Careers Fair. The event, linking in with the school’s wider PSHE and Personal Development curriculum, was attended by over 30 local businesses and higher education establishments from across Lincolnshire. Local businesses including Serco, Morgan Sindall, CareinLincs, and the National Horseracing College, as well as national employers including the NHS, Police, Royal Navy and Army were joined by higher and further education establishments such as North Lindsey College, Lincoln College, Bishop Grosseteste University, John Leggott College and Queen Elizabeth High School Sixth Form.
The aim of the event was to raise the aspirations of our young people and to showcase the huge range of opportunities that students will have once they complete Year 11.
Mrs Bolton, Careers and Personal Development lead at Gainsborough, said, “ I am incredibly proud of all of our students in Y10 and 11. They conducted themselves in an exemplary manner, they fully engaged with our visitors and were a real credit to their school community. We saw our young men and women fully embrace all the potential opportunities our partners have to offer. Additionally, all of our visitors have committed to working with school in active partnership projects in the future. Today has been inspiring and has reinforced why we are all Proud to be TGA.

Abbie Wilson, who attended from Lincoln and Newark College, said “It’s been a fantastic event and the students here have been brilliant, so engaged and ask so many wonderful questions. It’s a really good opportunity at the careers fair for students to really start thinking about their career opportunities and to help widen their aspirations. Seeing so many different employers and further and higher education provisions has been amazing.”
Keegan Reed, a Year 10 student who attended the event and is looking into college as his next step after Year 11, said of the event: “It’s very good that we have the opportunity to walk around and look at what we want to do in the future. It really pushes us to look further into education and what we want to do as a career.”
On behalf of The Gainsborough Academy, a huge thank you to all businesses and educational establishments for taking the time today to attend and advise and inspire our young people.
Are you a local business who would like to be involved with our careers offer? Would you like to visit our next Careers Fair, come into school to talk to our students, or offer work experience to our Year 10 cohort? If so, please get in touch with us at