“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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TGA Proud Podium

On Friday we held our weekly proud podium with  an amazing 61 students nominated for a range of achievements. We hope that you have enjoyed receiving your postcard if your student was nominated
Proud to be TGA
Kiera Shipley9Worked hard on crafting her analysis writing in English.
Phoebe Garnham8Amazing contributions in PSHE discussion
Isla Sharp7Fantastic scores in End of Unit PSHE assessment
Lillie Irwin7Fantastic scores in End of Unit PSHE assessment
Caleb Long7Fantastic scores in End of Unit PSHE assessment
Katy Noble7Fantastic scores in End of Unit PSHE assessment
Elliot Owen7Fantastic scores in End of Unit PSHE assessment
Lacey Wilkinson7Fantastic scores in End of Unit PSHE assessment
Kai Haywood7Fantastic scores in End of Unit PSHE assessment
Keaton Gray7Fantastic scores in End of Unit PSHE assessment
Dorian Jazdzewski7Fantastic scores in End of Unit PSHE assessment
Chanelle Thompson11Positive change in attitude to work and an improved work ethic
Mia Berridge10Positive change in attitude to work, and making the right choices when out in mainstream
Ryan Broadberry8Wonderful work ethic and work in class
Alfie Wilson8Great resiliance in editing his work
Una Kemp8Fantastic work revising persuasive devices
Harry Saxton8Wonderful work in lesson, great attitude in English
Xzantia Smith7For showing resilience in Geography
Theo Liever7Excellent effort and behaviour in Geography
Hazeem Hamzat7Fantastic effort and knowledge in Geography
Zachary Bidwell8For progress in Geography
Kaycee Cole11Amazing stage make up skills
Luke Cunningham Bailey7For making a fantastic effort to attend school on time
Abrianna Holmes7Fantastic Maths skills and attitude in Science
Luke Edis7Fantastic attitude and Maths skills shown in Science
Cara Bristow7Always polite and works hard consistently
Brad Kus11Full marks on mid term assessment (PE)
Oscar Stockdale8110% workrate and resilience in Y8 football
Jayde Graves10Achieving level 2 in childcare assessment
Olivia Rainbow Key10Achieving level 2 in childcare assessment
Linda Jean Newton10Achieving level 2 in childcare assessment
Daisy Dexter10Achieving level 2 in childcare assessment
Faye Chapman10Achieving level 2 in childcare assessment
Evie Durham10Achieving level 2 in childcare assessment
Honey Malone10Achieving level 2 in childcare assessment
Keely Bateman10Achieving level 2 in childcare assessment
Makayla Deeney10Achieving level 2 in childcare assessment
Malinda Knight11Excellent effort and result in childcare mock exam
Faithful Adeitan11Excellent effort and result in childcare mock exam – attempted ALL questions
Kaycee Cole11Excellent result in Childcare mock exam
Isobel Briggs11Excellent effort and result in childcare mock exam
Lauren Porter11Excellent effort and result in childcare mock exam
Leanne Manning11Excellent effort and result in childcare mock exam
Ruby Hanks11Excellent effort and result in childcare mock exam – achieved top grade in the class
Chloe Gray11Excellent effort and result in childcare mock exam – attempted ALL questions
Grace Fordham11Excellent effort and result in childcare mock exam – attempted ALL questions
Jessica Hughes11Excellent effort and result in childcare mock exam – attempted ALL questions
Alicia Berridge11Excellent effort and result in childcare mock exam – attempted ALL questions
Kassie Smart11Excellent effort and result in childcare mock exam
Alex Bowden10Most Improved Cadet award 
Tommy Masri9Receiving a Cadets award
Riley Calvert7Brilliant Binary
Sam McNulty8Brilliant work with Microbit
Keir Mackay8Creating truth or dare with microbit
Jessica Fallon8Creating truth or dare with microbit
Harrison Plumtree8Brilliant work with Microbit
Logan Carneiro8Brilliant work with Microbit
Roselea Finney 7Great focus and effort in Spanish
Isla Sharp710/10 spellings in Spanish
Illia Petrovskyi-Bielotskyi11A thoughtful poetry comparison
Nina Yefremenko11A thoughtful poetry comparison
Uliana Herasik11A thoughtful poetry comparison 
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Proud to be TGA

TGA Proud Podium

On Friday, we held our weekly Proud Podium and celebrated with 82 students, recognising achievements such as dance choreography, outstanding work in ICT, and excellent

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