“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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TGA Proud Podium!

This month, our TGA Proud Podium celebrated so many students for a range of achievements including excellent effort in Music, Drama and IT. Well done to all students who have been nominated this year and we hope you enjoy your Summer holidays!


⭐ Lily Seymour Y7 – For her performance at her first regional gymnastics competition this weekend in Derbyshire where she was placed 6th for her floor routine against very tough competition


For their great work in Drama:

⭐ Lily Lawrence Y6      

⭐ Maddison Lowther Y6            

⭐ Lacey Mitchell Y6     


⭐ Amber Knight Y8 – For really pushing herself out of her comfort zone and contributing positively to class discussions in PSHE

⭐ Sam Enstone Staff – For realising she hasn’t always got to be the ‘bad cop’!


There were a lot of students who were picked for excellent effort in their Music lesson! These were:

⭐ Harry Starrett Y6      

⭐ Adamas Vasiljevas Y6             

⭐ Leah Bew Y6              

⭐ Bilal Dogan Y6           

⭐ Demi Louise Spittle Y6           

⭐ Amelia Page Y6         

⭐ Indy Johnstone Y6   

⭐ Sophia Thompson Y6             

⭐ Peighton Mclaggan Y6           

⭐ Ryan Broadberry Y8

⭐ Lucas Carneiro Y8    

⭐ Honey Malone Y10  


For their excellent work in History:

⭐ Leah Bew Y6

⭐ Marcus Pinion Y6     


⭐ Ruby Rae Y7 – For her outstanding history work she did outside of lesson on Kings and Queens of England

⭐ Shakita Wood Y7 – Facing fears and going in assembly

⭐ Cara Bristow Y7 – Completing additional RE homework through own initiative


For their regular and quality participation in English:

⭐ Lewis Hindley Y7      

⭐ Riley Graham Y7       

⭐ Leah Natasha Midwood Y7  


For an excellent alternative sonnet 130:

⭐ Phoebe Wood Y6     

⭐ Isabel Sanni Y6          

⭐ Ruby Mackintosh Y6               

⭐ Mayah Jackson Y6   

⭐ Kalina Nolan Y6        

⭐ Evalyn Thurston-Green Y6   


⭐ Nevena Nolan Y6 – A great effort in lesson


Care and thought put into GCSE revision poster for English:

⭐ Michael Masri Y10   

⭐ Ziolek Bartosz Y10


⭐ Hard work in English:

⭐ Morgan McLoughlin Y8         

⭐ Connor Roberts Y7  

⭐ Rowan Pickering Y7

⭐ Kai Haywood Y7

Leadership skills:

⭐ Clarice Piantewskij Y7            

⭐ Olivia Dzwiota Y8     

⭐ Jennifer Weight Y8  


⭐ Willow Eames Y10 – 100% attendance for the whole of Y10

⭐ Lily Warbey Y6 – Fantastic work in Geography


Great effort in IT:

⭐ Will Thompson Y9   

⭐ Sydney Irving Y7       

⭐ Golden Chukwuka Y7             

⭐ Keeley Brown Y7      

⭐ Esther Blades Y7      

⭐ Connie Taylor Y7      

⭐ Eden Roberts Y7       

⭐ Chloe Hall Y8             

⭐ Olivia Dziwota Y8     

⭐ James Marshall Y7   

⭐ Connor Roberts Y7  

⭐ Alfie Wilson Y8         


Excellent poetry writing:

⭐ Phoebe Plumtree Y6              

⭐ Chloe Chapman Y6  

⭐ Lily Lawrence Y6      

⭐ Scott Desforges Y6  

⭐ Logan Chadwick Y6 


Proud to be TGA

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Attendance Celebration!

As we wrapped up the last day of half term, we took the opportunity to recognise and reward our students for their outstanding attendance! ⭐

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