“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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TGA Student Kixstars Open Success!

On Saturday 1st February, TGA student, Cody, competed at the Kixstars Open in Crawley. Cody’s weight category was the most competitive weight class on the day, and some amazing players from all over the county were in attendance.

Cody got drawn on the hardest side of the draw, but that did not faze him. He played a very good technical game all day, and his performances was incredible.

Cody’s quarter final was up, against the former two time British Champion from London. Cody played the perfect game, stabbing his opponent away and scoring high, causing Cody to win both rounds:

R1 9-2
R2 5-4

Next, was his semi final against another London club, Cody used his speed and experience to win:

R1 10-5
R2 8-3

After this, it was the final, both players gave it their all. Once Cody found his range, he started to pick his opponent off, giving him another win:

R1 9-4
R2 6-4

Cody did not lose one single round all day, even against top opposition. Amazing work, well done!


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Attendance Celebration!

As we wrapped up the last day of half term, we took the opportunity to recognise and reward our students for their outstanding attendance! ⭐

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