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Proud Podium 29th September 2023

On Friday we held our weekly proud podium, Staff  nominated students for a wide range of reasons and students were able to talk about these when they came to have their photograph taken.
After having their photograph all students send a postcard home to explain why they were nominated, we hope parents are enjoying receiving these.
Last weeks proud podium nominees were:
Winter Courchene8Fantastic effort in Art
Isabel White8Fantastic effort in Art
Charles Pickwell8Fantastic effort in Art
Carter Rosser8Fantastic effort in Art
Sam McNulty8Fantastic effort in Art
Poppy Smith11Excellent progress in school show and in her drama lessons. Always offers to help others
Mitzee Marshal7Excellent effort and hard work in lessons (Music)
Corey Thirkell8Working very hard and managing himself really well in lessons and during after school clubs
Lexie Dickinson8Helping Miss Steel create a new Autumn board in Phase
Sophie Dand8Helping Miss Steel with organising things in Phase
Dylan Johnstone9Excellent teamwork to produce a anti bullying poster
Angel Fleer9Excellent teamwork to produce a anti bullying poster
Lola Bailey9Excellent teamwork to produce a anti bullying poster
Brooke Young9Excellent teamwork to produce a anti bullying poster
Kaleb Sheriff8Asking some fantastic questions and working really hard to understand abstract concepts in RE
Mason Elliott8Showing amazing kindness to other students
Josh Bell9Wrote a letter in English that was so good it was used as an exemplar to help students who had been absent
Megan-May Breslin9Received woman of the match for her football tournament over the weekend
Ruby May Langford9Brilliant focus and hard work in Geography
Harry Green8Brilliant focus and hard work in Geography
Oliver Goodall9Excellent work in Geography
Lola Bailey9Fabulous focus in Geography
Cara Bristow7Fabulous contribution in Geography
Ashleigh Dawson7For being a kind and helpful friend to so many students
Rose Morley Green7For being a kind and helpful friend to so many students
Samuel Kaczmarowski  10Outstanding effort in Science
Ethan Rathmell7Excellent effort on keyboards
Beth Arnold8Always having perfect manners
Mollie Hind7For amazing success and commitment shown in her cheerleading which has led to fantastic achievements
Jennifer Weight8Amazing understanding of Human Rights
Callum Brummit8Fantastic Children’s Rights work
Scarlett Duffield9Excellent focus in English, star of the week
Malinda Knight11Helping organise the Macmillan cake sale
Tilly Lovely11Helping organise the Macmillan cake sale
Logan Carneiro8Star of the week in English
Daniel Spittle8Star of the week
Kacey Lobley10Star of the week Y10 English
Zak Frost11Helping organise the Macmillan cake sale
Elisa De Almeida11Helping organise the Macmillan cake sale
Leanne Manning11Helping organise the Macmillan cake sale
Ezel Erdal11Helping organise the Macmillan cake sale
Uliana Herasik11Giving 100% in IT
Ashley Beeden7Making good choices, giving 100% and sharing skills with others
Nina Yefremenko11Always trying her best in IT
Christian Rodriguez11Superb effort in the Maths Challenge
Lucas Bailey11Superb effort in the Maths Challenge
Casper Davey11Superb effort in the Maths Challenge
Malinda Knight11Superb effort in the Maths Challenge
Leanne Manning11Superb effort in the Maths Challenge
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School News

TGA Proud Podium!

On Friday, we held our weekly Proud Podium recognising the achievements of  28 students. We hope you enjoyed receiving the postcards! ⭐ Edward H Y7

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