british values
At the heart of The Gainsborough Academy is a firm set of values which ensure that students develop a strong sense of social and moral responsibility, and that are promoted via our pastoral structure and tutorial programme, the PSHE provision and extended curriculum we deliver to our students, and the opportunities we offer outside the curriculum.
We also take opportunities to promote the areas currently identified as British Values (individual liberty, democracy, the law, mutual respect and tolerance) within the curriculum and the wider ethos of the Academy. Specific learning opportunities devoted to student values and wellbeing enhance the weekly programme of tutorial activities and themes, assemblies, and PSHE lessons that ensure we prepare our students for life in a modern multicultural country.
Students have the opportunity to have their voices heard, and suggestions implemented, through representation on our student council. Our students have over the years contributed to the development of the academy in many ways.
The rule of law
Individual liberty
Mutual respect
Tolerance of those of different faiths, beliefs, and orientation
British Values Within The Curriculum
The music department at the Academy promotes British values through the breadth of its curriculum and exploiting the opportunities that arise to engage students in a dialogue about values.
In particular:
The curriculum promotes tolerance and understanding of other cultures by incorporating music from many parts of the world (North America, South America, Africa and India as well as from other cultures closer to home in Europe and the United Kingdom).
Civil liberties are discussed as a context for Blues and Jazz music in KS3 and KS4 when recounting The history of the African slaves and their musical influences on the genre.
Freedom of expression is a regular feature in KS3 listening work as we distinguish between opinion and fact when discussing a different music and encourage students to support their differing opinions with factual references.
The discussions surrounding music from different cultures allow teachers to challenge the use Of stereotypical cultural references and discuss how it can lead to discriminatory and prejudicial behaviour with the students.
IT & Business
We incorporate democratic economies where citizens have the right to vote in or out elected governments. Also leadership which takes place in companies often uses democratic style of leadership where leaders/managers gather consensus of opinion in order to engage staff in what they are trying to achieve. This particular section is covered as part of BTEC business unit.
As part of the IT GCSE curriculum ‘living in the digital world’ pupils learn about operating online and within different countries and how words, phrases can offend be classed as inappropriate particularly in countries which don’t operate democratic systems of rule and the potential ICT laws this can impeach.
The rule of law.
Businesses operating within the confines of the law particularly around employment, health and safety and discrimination law. What the possible consequences are for those companies or individuals who are in breach of these laws.
Individual liberty.
Pupils will look and identify what it means to create products and services for either a business or for someone else and having the freedom to sell these products/services to markets all over the world. There may be cultural differences in which they need to be aware of in terms of how business in other countries is conducted. But pupils learn and understand the notion of businesses/individuals operating freely.
Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.
When businesses operate globally they need to operate within the confines of the law and know and understand that different countries will have different laws in which they will need to operate within. Need to understand how business is conducted within different cultures what is acceptable and what is not and how working within a global environment businesses need to be aware of any sanctions/restrictions and avoid any offences being committed to offend any potential customer, associated business, supplier or partner.
The Art curriculum delivers British values through having a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about the world around them and participating students actively in artistic and creative activities.
We promote tolerance through different people’s ideas, creative responses and understanding of different cultures and styles within art.
Students are encouraged to question and explore sensitive and controversial issues, whilst maintaining tolerance and respect for the views and beliefs of others.
Discussing and working in the style and using the techniques of a wide variety of artists and designers. British Art is promoted in all year groups
Extends beyond the classroom with visits and experiences to art galleries, parks and participating in events in their local community.
Pupils have the opportunity to work independently and as a team to build resilience and self–‐esteem through tasks, sharing ideas and resources, peer-assessment and encouraging students to support each other.

Final Match of the Season in Y8
This week, for the last game of the season, the boys came up against a much-improved NK side. Following on from last week’s game, the boys