“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


Welcome to Gainsborough Careers Advice and Support pages.

Our Aim

At The Gainsborough Academy, we aim to send all of our students into an ever changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it. We are committed to ensuring that all students have the best educational experience possible and believe that our students should have high aspirations for their next educational steps and future career aims. To achieve this aim, we are proactive in helping students to find the right pathway to enable them to excel in the career they wish to pursue.

Mrs Skelton

Careers Lead

Email – admin@gainsboroughacademy.com

 Phone Number – 01427 612411

Latest Careers News

TGA Careers Fair 2023

Friday 1st December saw the return of the annual TGA Careers Fair. The event, linking in with the school’s wider PSHE and Personal Development curriculum,

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Gatsby Benchmarks

At The Gainsborough Academy, our Careers programme has the Gatsby Benchmarks at its centre.

The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework of 8 guidelines that define the best careers provision in schools and colleges.

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

How the school measures and assesses the impact of the careers programme on pupils

  • Activity is evaluated by students on an individual basis.
  • Overall provision and ideas for improvement are tabled and discussed as agenda items at Student Council.
  • Provision is assessed against the national Gatsby Benchmarks and areas for development are identified.
  • Careers and employability provision is also informed through annual individual student surveys asking respondents to identify areas of interest and support needed – this information is then used to support individuals and plan provisions such as trips to specific places of learning or employment.
  • Provision is also informed through the sharing of good practice through local careers network meetings, the enterprise adviser network that the school is a part of and the professional development of the Careers Leader.

Our Careers information will next be reviewed in September 2023.


Digital Subject Guides

Statutory Duty

The duty on schools to secure independent careers guidance for all year 7-13 pupils is intended to expand advice and guidance for young people so they are inspired and motivated to fulfil their potential. Schools should help every pupil develop high aspirations and consider a broad and ambitious range of careers. Inspiring every pupil through more real-life contacts with the world of work can help them understand where different choices can take them in the future.

All registered pupils should be able to access independent careers guidance from Year 7 to Year 11.

They must ensure that the independent careers guidance provided is presented in an impartial manner and includes information on the range of education or training options, including Apprenticeships and other vocational pathways.

The guidance given will promote the best interests of the pupils to whom it is given.

The Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance at the Gainsborough Academy is coordinated by Mrs Phillips, Assistant Principal, HOY and SE staff.

These colleagues will be available to provide you with careers education, information and guidance to help you realise and fulfil your potential.

Colleagues are located on the first floor near the library and are available to discuss:

  • Further Education – colleges and training in the area including apprenticeships.
  • Higher Education – advice on entry into a University and the UCAS process, student finance and alternative HE routes and schemes.
  • Labour Market – advice and information on entering the world of work, labour market trends, skills and qualifications suitable for different careers as well as CV and application workshops.

The independent and impartial Advice and Guidance is provided by the Schools Support Adviser for Lincolnshire and colleagues from Complete Careers. Colleagues are attending the Academy at least once a week and is providing advice and guidance on a rolling programme in KS4. Colleagues are also available for one to one meetings.

We regularly review our Careers programme through termly meetings to discuss actions and events based on what has been arranged by the careers staff and also through the Pastoral Teams. The Careers teams now use a specific tracker to capture all events they arrange through assemblies and workshops so that the Senior Leadership team can keep a strategic overview of all careers related activities within the Academy.

The Gainsborough Academy annually review (the next one being April 2021) the careers education on offer through the Compass Tool * which is used to inform planning and identify priorities for the following academic year.

The Academy has produced a careers strategy which is aligned to the Gatsby Benchmarks and includes priorities identified through the Compass Tool.

We currently are broadly in line with national averages of those pupils who leave the Gainsborough Academy not in education, training or employment. This is an area in which we are continually striving to improve. Our destination data is also used to inform trips, visits and external stakeholder involvement within the Academy.


Careers and employability education at The Gainsborough Academy is embedded explicitly into the curriculum through our Careers in the curriculum programme, which is accessed by Y7 – Y11, as well as through Tutor time world of work mornings, and Careers drop down days. We also endeavour to make subject specific links to careers through both GCSE core and option subjects; directed time for training is allotted to support teaching staff in delivering this effectively including training on the local labour market for all staff. Gatsby 2,4 5,6,7 and 8 are enhanced through enrichment via external providers including: workplace visits, mentoring programmes and a wide range of activities at higher education institutions. Through individual guidance and advice, led by our Careers and PSHE lead, students are informed and supported to make informed decisions at each stage of their career progression. Below are examples of our careers provision including both curricular and extra-curricular opportunities.

YearYear Example provision
Y7: Experience and
Tutor: ‘Xello’ tracker and locker
● Assembly and tutor group opportunities – employability skills
● Careers fair
● World of work morning (Jigsaw)
● Careers in the curriculum
Y8: Experience and
Guidance Student and family individual guidance around Y8 option
choices Jan / Feb
● Tutor: ‘Xello’ tracker and locker
● Assembly and tutor group opportunities – employability skills
● Careers fair
● World of work morning (Jigsaw)
● Careers in the curriculum
Y9: Experience and
Guidance Student and family individual guidance around Y9 option
choices Jan / Feb
● Tutor: ‘Xello’ tracker
● Assembly and tutor group opportunities – employability skills
● Careers fair
● World of work morning (Jigsaw)
● Careers in the curriculum
Y10: Education and
Tutor: ‘Xello’ tracker
● Assembly and tutor group opportunities – employability skills
● Careers fair
● World of work morning (Jigsaw)
● Careers in the curriculum
● Core options evening Year 10 & 11 Information Evening Nov
Core options evening Year 10 & 11 Information Evening Nov
● PSHE: Rolling programme of identifying relevant post-16 pathways and
supporting individual applications for education and apprenticeships in
the Autumn term
● Assembly and tutor group opportunities – employability skills
● Careers fair
● World of work morning (Jigsaw)
● Careers in the curriculum
● Year 11 support: including mock interviews with visiting employers
● External provider input: programme of assemblies/resource gallery of
external providers including local post:16 organisations
● Parental involvement: Y11 parents evenings

Provider Access Procedure

This section sets out the arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.

All pupils in years 8-11 are entitled:

  • to find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships.
  • to hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer.
  • to understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.


Opportunities for access include:

  • Year 7 Jobs & Careers Day: December
  • Year 8 Options: January
  • Year 10 Post-16 Taster Day: June
  • Year 11 Assemblies throughout the year and
  • Employability Day: October



Any provider, parent, individual or organisations wishing to request access should contact Mrs Phillips, Careers Leader on the details provided above.

Opportunities for access include:

  • Year 7 Jobs & Careers Day
  • Year 8 Options
  • Year 10 Post-16 Taster Day
  • Year 11 Assemblies throughout the year
  • Employability Day


Provider Access Request Form

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