Student Council
Student Leadership
In our drive to develop leaders of the future, we involve young people in making decisions about improving the Academy. Listening to students’ views on the Academy is really important to us and we do our best to take on their suggestions wherever we can so they feel their opinions are valued.
We encourage students to take on key roles within the Academy including involvement in:
- Student President
- Academy Council
- Sport Leadership Academy
- Peer mentoring
Our student leadership team comprises of the following students who were elected by students and staff.
Wickersley Partnership Trust Student Council
Wickersley Partnership Trust recognises the importance of listening and responding to ‘student voice’ to help shape improvements to the school.
Each Trust school has a representative group of students (School Councillors), elected by their peers, who form the ‘School Council’. They play an active role in school – organising events, raising issues and representing the views of their peers with Senior Leaders in the school.
Each School Councillor runs an ‘election campaign’ annually and their classmates vote for their new class representatives – this is democracy in action!
Wickersley Partnership Trust believes School Councils develop its core values including cooperation, mutual respect and a commitment to diversity and equality.
Wickersley Partnership Trust has a ‘Trust Council’ which has elected representatives from each of the school-based Councils, likewise, they help shape improvements to the Trust.
The Trust Council meets once every half term at rotating venues across the Trust. During these meetings, the students discuss Trust priorities – what’s going well already, and what we could do better in our schools and School Councils.
Charity fundraising is a key aspect of the Trust Council too – the Representatives come up with joint ideas on how we – as a Trust – can ramp up our charitable efforts.
At the end of each meeting, the Trust Council sets an agenda for the School Councils and how they’re going to move forward with their fantastic new ideas.
All minutes from the meetings will be shared with the Student Body by Trust Council Representatives and on Wickersley Partnership Trust’s website.
The Junior and Senior Trust Councils will also meet once a year at a leadership summit.
The Wickersley Partnership Trust Student Council will be coming soon.

TGA Proud Podium
On Friday, we held our weekly Proud Podium and celebrated with 82 students, recognising achievements such as dance choreography, outstanding work in ICT, and excellent