“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Proud to be TGA

The last Friday of term, we held our weekly Proud Podium where over thirty individual students were nominated by staff for a range of positive reasons.
All of the casts for The Addams family were also recognised for their amazing performances during the week.
Alfie McCann Wood7For him doing and completing the sponsored walk on Monday. Alfie has PKS which muscle tone is one of the symptoms – he tires quickly. He carried on when his friend quit the walk. Even when he thought he couldn’t carry on and had sat down on the roadside in tears – where I found him on my way to collect him. I picked him from ground and he said I’ll see you at school and carried on walking. He could have easily asked me to take him in the car. (Nominated by mum)
Abbie Lansdall7For amazing skills in technology and helping teach other students how to correctly use a marking gauge
Daisy Dexter10Excellent project produced in Childcare, well done!
Winter Courchene8Consistently high level of effort and presentation of work in English
Carter Rosser8Consistently high level of effort and presentation of work in English
Kairan Cooper8Amazing effort in IT
Connor Roberts7Putting in maximum effort in Spanish
Stevie Anne Skinner10Consistently working hard in Spanish
Lewis Palushi10Consistently working hard in Spanish
Leo Pearson7Putting in maximum effort in Spanish
Ryan Hindley11Responding to marking and feedback
Elisa De Almeida11Excellent focus in every English lesson
Kassie Smart11Excellent focus in every English lesson
George Landsall9Excellent homework in English
Zak Frost11Responding to marking and feedback
Connor Hirons10Independent revision in English
Leanne Manning11Excellent focus in English
Harry Slack7Excellent practical work yesterday
Ebony Plant10Excellent practical work yesterday
Loretta Degutyte10Excellent practical work yesterday
Amelia Nowicka10Excellent practical work yesterday
Bentley Boswell7For fantastic work in dance and developing strong choreography
Ashton Carey7For fantastic work in dance and developing strong choreography
Luke Edis7For fantastic work in dance and developing strong choreography
Dorian Jazdzewski7For fantastic work in dance and developing strong choreography
James Marshall7For fantastic work in dance and developing strong choreography
Chanelle Thompson11Excellent attitude toward learning and completing all tasks set in lessons
Ella Farrow10Excellent attitude toward learning and completing all tasks set in lessons
Joshua Weavers11Excellent attitude toward learning and completing all tasks set in lessons
Lexie Parker11Excellent attitude toward learning and completing all tasks set in lessons
Antony DuRose8Having better control over his emotions and regulating himself independently whilst attempting new tasks that may come across as difficult to himself
Liam Burns7Fantastic result in Maths assessment
Poppy Plester8Showing amazing enthusiasm in maths
Tommy Purchase7Brilliant team work in maths
Winter Courchene8Great assessment in IT
Lewis Hinley7Fully engaged every lesson. Well done
Illia Petrovskyi-Bielotskyi11100% every lesson in IT
Zak Frost11Great focus and input in IT
Zane Cozens11Always giving 100% in lessons 
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Proud to be TGA

TGA Proud Podium

Last Friday we held our weekly Proud Podium, celebrating 67 students for a wide range of achievements. All students who are nominated for the Podium

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