“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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TGA Proud Podium 🌟

Last Friday we held our weekly Proud Podium. 53 students were recognised for their positive achievements including resilience in gymnastics and accurate calculations using spreadsheet formulae.
All students who are on the Proud Podium send a postcard home to share with you the reason for their nominations.
Alex Bainbridge8In History and science, every single lesson he is on hand to help, handing out books, collecting in resources, he is so pleasant, so polite and so hard working!!
Caitlin Ferguson9Showing great resilience in Trampolining PE 
Lillie Gibson 9Showing great resilience in Trampolining PE 
Ava Dodgson 9Showing great resilience in Trampolining PE 
Megan Breslin 9Showing great resilience in Trampolining PE 
Amber Knight 8Showing great resilience in Trampolining PE 
Emily Edwards 9Showing great resilience in Trampolining PE 
Thomas Turner 10Showing immense sportsmanship in Basketball PE 
Morgan Troop 10Showing immense sportsmanship in Basketball PE 
Ashley Baker 10Showing immense sportsmanship in Basketball PE 
Lewis Palushi 10Showing immense sportsmanship in Basketball PE 
Brad Crooks 10Showing immense sportsmanship in Basketball PE 
Darcie Irving8Excellent behaviour and engagement in Geography
Millie Ellis7For working hard in every Geography lesson
Lacey Mai Wilkinson7For working hard in every Geography lesson
Cara Bristow7For working hard in every Geography lesson
Carly Jo Kettlewell7For being much more engaged in Geography
Marcus Smart8For being nominated for the Rotary Club Young Citizen’s Award
Brandon Smart10For being nominated for the Rotary Club Young Citizen’s Award
Clarice Piantiwskyj7For being nominated for the Rotary Club Young Citizen’s Award
Josh Blakley7For being nominated for the Rotary Club Young Citizen’s Award
Jennifer Weight8For being nominated for the Rotary Club Young Citizen’s Award
Olivia Dzwiota8For being nominated for the Rotary Club Young Citizen’s Award
Mollie Hind7For being nominated for the Rotary Club Young Citizen’s Award
Tilly Lovely11For being nominated for the Rotary Club Young Citizen’s Award
Cody Glen8For being nominated for the Rotary Club Young Citizen’s Award
Thomas Masri9For being nominated for the Rotary Club Young Citizen’s Award
Brandon Smart10For being nominated for the Rotary Club Young Citizen’s Award
Seb Penketh7Showing great resilience in Gymnastics
Alfie Franklin7Showing great resilience in Gymnastics
Owen Blain9Displaying great knowledge in PE Suite
Cody Bryant 9Displaying great knowledge in PE Suite
Abi Cody 9Displaying great knowledge in PE Suite
Angel Flear9Displaying great knowledge in PE Suite
Ella Grocock10For showing great leadership in 10E when having debates
Lily Chadwick8Always being helpful during form time
Kimmy Brundell9Hard work in English
Jennifer Weight8Hard work and positive contribution to English lessons
Max Liever8100% effort in English
Ceylan Ozer8Positive contribution to English lessons
Jessica Beighton8Independent work with spreadsheets
Jennifer Weight8Accurate spreadsheet formula
Alfie Wilson8Excellent work with spreadsheets
Jessica Fallon8Excellent work with spreadsheets
Darcie Drayton8Focus and determination in IT (spreadsheets)
Courtney Dransfield8Accurate calculations using spreadsheet formula and excellent formatting
Sam McNulty8Accurate calculations using spreadsheet formula
Isabel Higgins7Independent work on IT animation
Leo Pearson7Brilliant animation
Oliver Rowlands7Brilliant animations and helping others
Tommy Sylvester7Excellent work with animation
Fern Jefferson9Gives 100% to all activities she is asked to complete in HSC
Theo Liever7Fab presentation created in RE
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Proud to be TGA

TGA Proud Podium

On Friday, we held our weekly Proud Podium and celebrated with 82 students, recognising achievements such as dance choreography, outstanding work in ICT, and excellent

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