“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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TGA Proud Podium

On Friday we held our weekly Proud Podium, where students are recognised for their achievements. A postcard is also sent home to all students, so parents are able to talk to them about it.
This week we recognised 57 students!
Erin Bradley7Outstanding effort in badminton
Sophia Bocock7Outstanding effort in badminton
Thomas Smith10Excellent assessment results in Biology
Brayden Birkitt 10Excellent assessment results in Biology
Neo Hampson11For a significantly better attitude and mindset about how he conducts himself in BASE
Skye Berridge10For changing her attitude in a way that will help her learn and do well in BASE
Amie Leigh May9For her ongoing positive demeanor and attitude towards her work in BASE.
Bayleigh Mountcastle7Excellent contribution in RE sharing ideas with the class
Riley Graham7Excellent contribution in RE sharing ideas with the class
Tyler Gardiner7Attending first Spanish lesson
Ella Morrison7Excellent start playing The 7 Nation Army
Josh Blakey7Excellent start playing The 7 Nation Army
Lacey Ellise Martin7Excellent start playing The 7 Nation Army
Lily Seymour7Excellent start playing The 7 Nation Army
Eddie Bateman8For showing excellent effort and attitude on the ski trip
Jenson Burnett8For showing excellent effort and attitude on the ski trip
Millie-Lou Colton-Goodwin11For showing excellent effort and attitude on the ski trip
Bradley Crooks10For showing excellent effort and attitude on the ski trip
Mason Crooks8For showing excellent effort and attitude on the ski trip
Melissa Enos11For showing excellent effort and attitude on the ski trip
Aleeshia Essom10For showing excellent effort and attitude on the ski trip
Mckenzie Essom9For showing excellent effort and attitude on the ski trip
Brooke Flear8For showing excellent effort and attitude on the ski trip
David Freeman8For showing excellent effort and attitude on the ski trip
Leon Haines9For showing excellent effort and attitude on the ski trip
Tyler Jakes8For showing excellent effort and attitude on the ski trip
George Kami8For showing excellent effort and attitude on the ski trip
Amber Knight8For showing excellent effort and attitude on the ski trip
Max Liever8For showing excellent effort and attitude on the ski trip
Elliot Owen7For showing excellent effort and attitude on the ski trip
Keegan Reed10For showing excellent effort and attitude on the ski trip
Ruby Richards10For showing excellent effort and attitude on the ski trip
Kaleb Sheriff8For showing excellent effort and attitude on the ski trip
Molly Torres10For showing excellent effort and attitude on the ski trip
Samm Wyman9For showing excellent effort and attitude on the ski trip
Lily Mae Mitchell11Perseverance with her assessment
Ceylan Ozer8Creating fabulous games in PSHE to educate young people with the risks of alcohol consumption.
Kaleb Sheriff8Creating fabulous games in PSHE to educate young people with the risks of alcohol consumption.
Benson Brocklesby8Creating fabulous games in PSHE to educate young people with the risks of alcohol consumption.
Max Liever8Creating fabulous games in PSHE to educate young people with the risks of alcohol consumption.
Henry Grange-Smith8Creating fabulous games in PSHE to educate young people with the risks of alcohol consumption.
Ifan Smith9Creating fabulous games in PSHE to educate young people with the risks of alcohol consumption.
Billie Renshaw11For working their socks off in the Art exam. They did us proud.
Connie Egar11For working their socks off in the Art exam. They did us proud.
Paige Dobney11For working their socks off in the Art exam. They did us proud.
Kassie Smart11For working their socks off in the Art exam. They did us proud.
Ezel Erdal11For working their socks off in the Art exam. They did us proud.
Leon Wright11For working their socks off in the Art exam. They did us proud.
Oliver Kendall11For working their socks off in the Art exam. They did us proud.
Isabelle Pitman11For working their socks off in the Art exam. They did us proud.
Lucas Bailey11For working their socks off in the Art exam. They did us proud.
Adam Nicholson11For working their socks off in the Art exam. They did us proud.
Cara Walker11For working their socks off in the Art exam. They did us proud.
Lilyrose Chapman11For working their socks off in the Art exam. They did us proud.
TJ Beardsley11For working their socks off in the Art exam. They did us proud.
Ami Lee11For working their socks off in the Art exam. They did us proud.
Leo Stevens11For working their socks off in the Art exam. They did us proud.
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Proud to be TGA

TGA Proud Podium

On Friday, we held our weekly Proud Podium and celebrated with 82 students, recognising achievements such as dance choreography, outstanding work in ICT, and excellent

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