“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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TGA Proud Podium

Last Friday, we held our weekly Proud Podium. Each week we recognise students for the positive things they have achieved. This week, the following students were nominated:

Ashanti Dale8Represented Gainsborough Marshalls Sports under 14 girls at the national ESF tournament this weekend, finished in 3rd place, Ashanti received an award from the officials, she fantastically took on 4 players turning them inside out and produced a wordie into the top corner and received a signed football from Tottenham Hotspurs Hall of fame star Ledly King and Aston Villers Jordan Nobbs.
Lexi Martin 8Participation in a national football tournament finishing in 3rd place
Hannah Burton 8Participation in a national football tournament finishing in 3rd place
Kallie Blakey 8Participation in a national football tournament finishing in 3rd place
Keira Shipley9Participation in a national football tournament finishing in 3rd place
Una Kemp8Great performance of being Romeo
Olly Young8Great performance of being Mercutio
Sofia Baker9Facing her fears
Harry Slack7Always attends handwriting intervention and has good engagement throughout each lesson
Ella Farrow10Showing fantastic effort in Physics and expertly wiring a plug, well done!
David Marriott10For working hard and concentrating in lesson. Also expertly wiring a plug, well done!
Elliott Owen7Fantastic Jean Michael inspired portrait
Keaton Gray7Fantastic Jean Michael inspired portrait
Dorian Jazdzewski7Fantastic Jean Michael inspired portrait
Cascey Taylor7Fantastic Jean Michael inspired portrait
Isla Sharp7Fantastic Jean Michael inspired portrait
Laceymai Wilkinson7

Fantastic Jean Michael inspired portrait

Kai Haywood7Fantastic Jean Michael inspired portrait
Max Liever8For positive contributions towards English lessons
Billie Joe Wilks8For positive contributions towards English lessons
Bethany Arnold8For excellent presentation of work in English lessons
Lily Baker8For working hard in English
Mason Elliott8For quality of work produced in English
Brooke Flear8For positive contributions towards English lessons
Ceylan Ozer8For consistent hard work and positive contributions towards English lessons
Billie Platt8For positive contributions towards English lessons
Corey Thirkell8For continuous hard work and positive contribution towards English lessons
Jennifer Weight8For continuous hard work and positive contribution towards English lessons
Demi Allen8For positive contributions towards English lessons
Tyler Heseltine10Fantastic effort and resilience shown playing badminton, well done!
Brendon Jackson10Fantastic effort and supporting other students in badminton, well done!
Ruby Allen9Showing great resilience in Trampolining
Kimmy Brundell 9Showing great resilience in Trampolining
Jaci Crowie9Showing great resilience in Trampolining
Holly Jackson9Showing great resilience in Trampolining
Beth Lockyer9Showing great resilience in Trampolining
Yasmine Martin9Showing great resilience in Trampolining
Tiger-Lilly Moore9Showing great resilience in Trampolining
Star Willows9Showing great resilience in Trampolining
Leon Haines9Act of kindness, taking pride in keeping his learning environment tidy, helping Mrs Burgin
Sam McNulty8Excellent contributions during PSHE lesson
George Kami8Excellent contributions during PSHE lesson
Cassidy Porter11Showing fantastic attitude in hospitality revision sessions.
Roselea Finney7For being fantastic during the peri music day
Luke Edis7For being fantastic during the peri music day
Hazeem Hamzat7For being fantastic during the peri music day
Kai Haywood11For being fantastic during the peri music day
Bentley Boswell7For being fantastic during the peri music day
Keaton Gray7For being fantastic during the peri music day
Molly Tanswell7For being fantastic during the peri music day
Oliver Seymour7For being fantastic during the peri music day
Jaxson Birkett7For being fantastic during the peri music day
Sydney Irving7For being fantastic during the peri music day
Alfie McCann-Wood7For being fantastic during the peri music day
Rhys Dobbie7For being fantastic during the peri music day
Dorian Jazdzewski7For being fantastic during the peri music day
Josh Blakey7For being fantastic during the peri music day
Macie O’Mara8Trying hard in an assessment
Charlie Hall8Showing determination in an assessment
Lily Chadwick8Showing determination in an assessment
Mia Purvis8Focus and determination in an assessment
Keir Mackay8Showing determination in an assessment 
David Marriott10Fab effort in Maths
Lucas Jupp9Great work in Maths
Oliver Simpson7Great results in Maths assessment
Dominykas Smetona7Great results in Maths assessment
Katy Noble7Great results in Maths assessment
Savannah Hall7Great results in Maths assessment
George Green7Great results in Maths assessment
Scarlett Dennison7Great results in Maths assessment
Alicia Berridge11Excellent work in English
Kassie Smart11Excellent work in English
Darcey Blackmore11Excellent work in English
Faithful Adeitan11Excellent work in English
Zane Cozens11Excellent work in English
Uliana Herasik11Excellent work in English
Lllia Petrovskyi11Excellent work in English
Nina Yefremenko11Excellent work in English
Mia Tanswell11An amazing letter to Mrs Skelton
Tilly Lovely11Excellent exam prep in English
Ruby Hanks11100% effort in every English lesson
Isabelle Pitman11100% effort in every English lesson
Ryan Hindley11100% effort in every English lesson
Elisa De Almeida11Excellent focus in English
Poppy Plester8

Trying her best in the Maths assessment 

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TGA Proud Podium

Last Friday we held our weekly Proud Podium, celebrating 67 students for a wide range of achievements. All students who are nominated for the Podium

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