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TGA Proud Podium!

On Friday we celebrated our weekly proud podium. This week, 58 students were nominated including students who play for the unbeaten Gainsborough Trinity team and students who have completed exceptional work in English when writing an article. All students have also had a postcard sent home, so parents can see what they have been nominated for.
Well done everyone!
Toby Roberts10U15 Undefeated League Champions for this season for their team (Gainsborough Trinity)
Alfie Chapman10U15 Undefeated League Champions for this season for their team (Gainsborough Trinity)
Ash Baker10U15 Undefeated League Champions for this season for their team (Gainsborough Trinity)
Logan Franklin10U15 Undefeated League Champions for this season for their team (Gainsborough Trinity)
Cayden Kelsey10U15 Undefeated League Champions for this season for their team (Gainsborough Trinity)
Kevin Grusauskas9U15 Undefeated League Champions for this season for their team (Gainsborough Trinity)
Elliot Taylor9U15 Undefeated League Champions for this season for their team (Gainsborough Trinity)
Dylan Johnstone9U15 Undefeated League Champions for this season for their team (Gainsborough Trinity)
Bradley Crooks10Excellent effort and independence in engineering.
Danielle Johnson10Excellent effort and independence in engineering.
Connor Roberts7For exceptional effort on article writing
Henry Robinson7For exceptional effort on article writing
George Eeles7For exceptional effort on article writing
Hope Farmer7For exceptional effort on article writing
Callum Whittaker7Excellent effort and drama performance
Riley Calvert7Excellent effort and drama performance
Cole Skinner7Excellent effort and drama performance
Makayla Deeney10Overcame her fear of reading out loud in front of the class and did her English presentation
Eboni Marlow10Overcame her fear of reading out loud in front of the class and did her English presentation
Kourtney Brundell8Excellent Blues performance using improvisation and the 12 star bar blues
Millie Ellis7Consistent hardwork in Geography
Laceymai Wilkinson7Consistent effort in Geography
Macy Green9Consistent hardwork in Geography
Kyle Johnson9For progress in Geography
James Mansbridge9For great enthusiasm
Maddison Bew11Kindness to others
Ethan Kirkham7Showing incredible resilience and teamwork in rounders
Hazeem Hamzat 7Showing incredible resilience and teamwork in rounders
Dominikyas Smetona7Showing incredible resilience and teamwork in rounders
Hazeem Hamzat7Setting a fantastic example in Spanish 
Jordan Beckett 7Setting a fantastic example in Spanish 
Millie Ellis7Setting a fantastic example in Spanish 
Summer Charlton7Setting a fantastic example in Spanish 
Oonagh Stark8Excellent participation and communication at Ulley
Saffron Stark8Excellent participation and communication at Ulley
Jace Jordan8Fantastic teamwork at Ulley
Freya Johnson8For not giving up at Ulley
Maddsion Merrills8Excellent teamwork at Ulley
Mia Purvis8For not giving up at Ulley
Ollie Macpherson8Brilliant teamwork and tactics at Ulley
Connor Ward10Fantastic behaviour and attitude on school trip / participating in the speakers trust
Emily Leak10Fantastic behaviour and attitude on school trip / participating in the speakers trust
Kacper Kroszcznski10Fantastic behaviour and attitude on school trip / participating in the speakers trust
Paris Sherwood10Fantastic behaviour and attitude on school trip / participating in the speakers trust
Ebony Plant10Fantastic behaviour and attitude on school trip / participating in the speakers trust
Matthew Williamson10Fantastic behaviour and attitude on school trip / participating in the speakers trust
Lewis Palushi10Fantastic behaviour and attitude on school trip / participating in the speakers trust
Aleeshia Essom10Fantastic behaviour and attitude on school trip / participating in the speakers trust
Willow Eames10Fantastic behaviour and attitude on school trip / participating in the speakers trust
Tommy Farrant10Fantastic behaviour and attitude on school trip / participating in the speakers trust
Ella Grocock10Fantastic behaviour and attitude on school trip / participating in the speakers trust
Eboni Marlow10Worked hard on speaking and listening project
Makayla Deeney10Worked hard on speaking and listening project
Faith Roberts10Worked hard on speaking and listening project
Faith Whelan7Fantastic inspired portrait based on Jean Michael Basquiat
Abbie Lansdall7Fantastic inspired portrait based on Jean Michael Basquiat
Liam Plumtree7Fantastic inspired portrait based on Jean Michael Basquiat
Eden Roberts7Fantastic inspired portrait based on Jean Michael Basquiat
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TGA Proud Podium

Last Friday we held our weekly Proud Podium, celebrating 67 students for a wide range of achievements. All students who are nominated for the Podium

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