“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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TGA Proud Podium!

On Friday, we held our weekly Proud Podium, which recognised 38 students for a range of achievements including, helping in Phonics, achieving excellent grades in assessments, and working independently. Well done everyone!


⭐ Jenson Burnett Y9 – Really perceptive comments about a Christmas Carol

⭐ Izobel Crawley Y9 – Excellent Christmas Carol evidence retrieval

⭐ MJ Meclaf Y10 – MJ is always a brilliant student to have in class. Her contributions have great depth and are often. MJ also did incredibly well in her English BRAG task

⭐ Amilia Ambrosino Y10 – Amilia worked exceptionally hard on her Engligh BRAG task, she wrote double the amount of most her peers in half the time.

⭐ Luke Chambers Y10 – Luke has worked very hard this week in English and produced high quality work. He has been communicative and ready to learn.


Achieved Grade 5 in Spanish summative assessments:

⭐ Alyssia Burkinshaw Y10 

⭐ Megan May Breslin Y10 

⭐ Fern Jefferson Y10          

⭐ Leon Haines Y10               

⭐ Tiger Lily Moore Y10       

⭐ Lilly Gibson Y10

⭐ William Thompson Y10 


⭐ Thomas Ward Y9 – Excellent improvement in attitude to learning in English


Excellent justification about Lady Macbeth culpability:

⭐ Kimmy Brundell Y10       

⭐ Logan Barnard Y10


⭐ Ay Afikode Y10 – Awesome progress in Macbeth and great participation in lesson

⭐ Bongiwe Msimanga Y7 – Exceptional ATL in English

⭐ Jake Sheriff Y7 – Really great work ethic in English

⭐ Phoebe Wheater Heart Y7 – Excellent understanding of the novel in English


For exceptional effort and progress on Macbeth:

⭐ Lola Bailey Y10

⭐ Brooke Young Y10


Excellent work in Phonics:

⭐ Tizzy Turner Y9 

⭐ Macie O’Mara Y9             

⭐ Keaton Gray Y8 

⭐ Rhys Dobbie Y8

⭐ Jessica Sims Y8  

⭐ Heidi Rands Y7  


Supporting Y7 in Food Tech:

⭐ Whitney Freeland Y10   

⭐ Grace Harding-Hubbard Y10        


Excellent independent work in practical lesson:

⭐ Lily Seymour Y8

⭐ Clarice Piantkiwskyj Y8  

⭐ Jared Jordan Y8

⭐ Lilli Richardson Y8           

⭐ Rowan Pickering Y8        

⭐ Leo Pearson Y8 


⭐ Catlin Ferguson Y10 – Great knowledge and understanding

⭐ Louise Malone Y7 – Aggressive defending in Netball

⭐ Zachary Wood Y7 – Exceptional Hockey progress



Proud to be TGA

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Proud to be TGA

TGA Proud Podium

On Friday, we held our weekly Proud Podium and celebrated with 82 students, recognising achievements such as dance choreography, outstanding work in ICT, and excellent

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