“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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TGA Proud Podium

On Friday, we held our weekly Proud Podium and celebrated with 82 students, recognising achievements such as dance choreography, outstanding work in ICT, and excellent research on careers. Well done!


Great creative writing:

⭐ Ethan Brown Y7        

⭐ Daniel Masri Y7        

⭐ Andrew Mould Y7   

⭐ Scott Deforges Y7    

⭐ Scarlett Bew Y7        

⭐ Selina Smith Y7         

⭐ Evalyn Green Y7       

⭐ Elsie Mai Rutley Y7  

⭐ Katie Chapman Y7   

⭐ Penny Deans Y7       

⭐ Bongiwe Msimanga Y7          

⭐ Harvey Atkinson Y7 

⭐ Mckenzie Howe Y7 

⭐ Harrison Plumtree Y9             


Helping sort out Chess equipment:

⭐ Kaleb Long Y8            

⭐ Jake Bell Y8


Excellent vocabulary work in English:

⭐ Bongiwe Msimanga Y7          

⭐ Jake Sheriff Y7          

⭐ Scarlett Bew Y7        


Great work in Geography:

⭐ Sophia Baker Y10     

⭐ Corey Thirkell Y9      

⭐ Lucy Hall Y7

⭐ Mya Dawson Y7       

⭐ Chantelle Gilkerison Y7         

⭐ Pheobe Wood Y7     

⭐ Kalina Nolan Y7        

⭐ Felicity Langcaster Y7             

⭐ Selina Smith Y7         

⭐ Harley O’Brien Y7    

⭐ Jacob Scaife Y7         

⭐ Layla Brumby Y7      

⭐ Amelia Ray Y7           

⭐ Lilly Warbey Y7         


Fantastic attitude to coursework in Sport Studies:

⭐ Jaci Crowie Y10         

⭐ Lily Gibson Y10         

⭐ Beth Wood Y7           

⭐ Maya Jackson Y7      

⭐ Maddie White Y7     


Excellent work on percentages in Maths:

⭐ Ryan Elliott Y8           

⭐ Keaton Gray Y8         

⭐ Cara Bristow Y8        


Great work in their dance lesson on Friday, creating fantastic choreography:

⭐ Chelsea Ashcroft Y7

⭐ Renesmee Connelly Y7          

⭐ Lilly Cross Y7              

⭐ Mya Dawson Y7       

⭐ Ruby Day Y7              

⭐ Sophie Deerans Y7  

⭐ Daria Frona Y7          

⭐ Leah Green Y7          

⭐ Maddison Lowther Y7            

⭐ Willow Maccabe Y7

⭐ Millie Mackenzie Y7

⭐ Matilda Marshall Y7

⭐ Ojo Fiyinfoluwa Y7  

⭐ Brooke Patmore Y7 

⭐ Emeli Richards Y7    

⭐ Isabel Sanni Y7          

⭐ Hallie Simpson Y7    

⭐ Connie Walker Y7    

⭐ Phoebe Wood Y7     


⭐ Jess Smart Y7 – Great form intervention work

⭐ Laylah Burman Y7 – Fab form time work

⭐ Daisy Mai Chapman Y7 – Achievement in Science

⭐ Jess Smart Y7 – Improved attitude towards learning in Maths in new seating plan

⭐ Nicola Ziolek Y11 – Consistent application in maths and improved grade in recent Mocks

⭐ Bongiwe Msimanga Y7 – Excellent effort in lesson

⭐ Ben Greensmith Y7 – Awesome interpretation of imagery

⭐ Ruby Day Y7 – Excellent interpretation work

⭐ Victoria Brown Y8 – Excellent work presenting ideas to the rest of the class

⭐ Tyler Pickwell Y9 – Helping to tidy up the classroom

⭐ Carly Kettlewell Y8 – Fantastic answers in History

⭐ Phoebe Plumtree Y7 – Excellent leadership skills within their trio balances

⭐ Alfie Grange-Smith Y8 – Consistently leading by example and relentlessly practicing skills, making fantastic progress

⭐ Peter Barker Y10 – Help with/support breaktime TA

⭐ Daizie Gardner Y9 – Excellent research on jobs in childcare, excellent project produced

⭐ Riley Best Y7 – Going above and beyond to create excellent work in ICT

⭐ George Jackson Y8 – Showing resilience with challenging spreadsheet tasks

⭐ Matthew Gilbert Y7 – Outstanding work in ICT and helping others

⭐ Phoebe Plumtree Y7 – Great work with graphics

⭐ Josh Bell Y10 – Focus in IT

⭐ Phoebe Plumtree Y7 – Great work with graphics

⭐ Harry Townsend Y10 – Improved attitude with IT



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Proud to be TGA

TGA Proud Podium

On Friday, we held our weekly Proud Podium and celebrated with 82 students, recognising achievements such as dance choreography, outstanding work in ICT, and excellent

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