“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Proud to be TGA

Proud to be TGA is an initiative which was launched in June 2023.

Staff at the school had noticed that students were not always able to articulate what they were proud of at school and in wider life. As part of developing personal attributes we want students at TGA to develop to be able to talk about their strengths and achievements with confidence and pride. Proud to be TGA recognises what students have achieved in their school work, personal skills and wider skills and knowledge.

Proud Podium

Students are nominated by staff for something they have done which is positive. Examples of nominations include taking part in a sports team (in or out of school), an outstanding piece of work, showing manners, tolerance and respect. Students have their photograph taken and their nominations are shared via social media, screens within the academy and on the academy website. All students who are nominated for the Proud podium send a Proud postcard home to tell parents what they have done that they are proud of. The aim of this is to stimulate conversation within families about positive achievements of students at the academy.

Proud Phone Calls

Students can also be nominated for a phone call home from a member of the senior leadership team. These calls take place on a Friday and staff are able to nominate for a range of reasons including academic work, effort, resilience and being considerate to staff and students.

Proud Form and Subject Boards

Each form room and subject area has a proud board where they are able to celebrate students achievements within that area. Each tutor group holds a Proud form on a Friday when staff and students all share what they have been proud of during that week. These are then displayed in tutor rooms until the following week.

Proud Plenaries

Every 3 to 4 weeks there is a calendared Proud week when all classes will complete a proud plenary in each subject area. This allows students to identify subject specific skills and work which they are proud of. These plenaries are linked to the curriculum but also to the subject way and attitude to learning.

Proud Packs

All students have a Proud pack where they are able to keep copies of Proud nominations, Proud podium photographs, nomination slips, pieces of proud work and certificates, These are held by the form tutor and are used within Proud form periods on a Friday. When students take part in any student voice activities they are able to take their proud packs with them so that they can share the things that they have done.

Proud News

Proud to be TGA

TGA Proud Podium

On Friday, we held our weekly Proud Podium and celebrated with 82 students, recognising achievements such as dance choreography, outstanding work in ICT, and excellent

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Proud to be TGA

TGA Proud Podium

On Friday 14th March, we celebrated our weekly Proud Podium, where 39 students were nominated for their achievements including top scores in PSHE assessments, resilience

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Proud to be TGA

TGA Proud Podium

Last Friday we held our weekly Proud Podium, celebrating 67 students for a wide range of achievements. All students who are nominated for the Podium

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