“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Macmillan Coffee Morning

Last week we held our very own Cake Bake-off as part of the Macmillan coffee morning and we are proud to announce that we raised £271 for this worthy charity. 🧁

This year we were very fortunate to welcome special guests Kirsty Black and Rosie Thomas from Noble Foods, and Jess Mimms from Gelders who helped do the judging of our fabulous baked entries.

Thank you to everyone for their support and contributions, Taylor Shaw for their donation, and Alex Nightingdale for popping in with special thanks going to our organisers of today’s successful event – Mrs Phillips, Mrs Pettinger, and Ms Copeland in the Technology Department.

Student Bake-off – Winner
Best Large Cake: Brooke

Student Bake-off – Runners-up
Best Brownie: Isobelle
Best Small Cake: Evie
Best Cheese Cake: Ellie

Staff Bake-off – Winner
Jade Marshall

Parent Bake-off – Winner
Julie Twiss

Well done everyone.

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Attendance Celebration!

As we wrapped up the last day of half term, we took the opportunity to recognise and reward our students for their outstanding attendance! ⭐

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