TGA Visit Hemswell Court

On Tuesday 18th July, staff and students from TGA visited Hemswell Court to view a potential Prom venue for next year. The venue posted on their Facebook page that students were “Very polite and friendly, a credit to the school and their parents ” #ProudtobeTGA
Proud Podium Launch at TGA

On Friday we held our first proud podium lunch. Students were nominated by staff for activities and work where they should be proud of their achievements. Students had taken risks for example walking over Loose Hill, had shown that they could work hard and shown that they were prepared to make mistakes. Well done to […]
TGA Chess Club

The TGA chess club is a competitive place to be at lunch time where students certainly believe in themselves. Students are currently taking part in a knock out competition. Who will the winner be?? #ProudtobeTGA
TGA Y11 Prom Breakfast

On Tuesday 11th July, our Y11s came back to school for their last leavers event – ‘Prom Breakfast’. Students were able to sign shirts, collect leavers hoodies and books. They also all received a leavers license which included pictures from Y7 and Y11. This was a great opportunity to say thank you to the staff who […]
TGA Y11 Prom 2023

On Thursday 6th July, our Y11 students came together at Thonock Park Golf Club for their Prom! It was a fantastic night of celebrating their achievements and time at The Gainsborough Academy. Students, parents and staff were proud of their appearance – they looked amazing as they arrived in style in a range of transport! […]
WPT’s Careers Education

Over the last academic year, our students have been given various opportunities to explore different career options and routes. This comes as part of our mission to send all of our young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it. The students have taken part in: Monthly careers […]
Y9 House Rounders

⚾Y9 House Rounders taking place in PE on a sunny Monday morning.
TGA Students take on their Duke of Edinburgh Expedition

This week some of our students are rising to the challenge of dreaming big and taking part in their Duke of Edinburgh expedition in Derbyshire. #ProudtobeTGA
WPT First Aid Training

Over this academic year, staff, parents and all of our students took part in First Aid training. The courses were delivered by First Aid Schools and equipped them with the skills and knowledge to handle certain incidents and injuries they may come across. Every secondary school student experienced First Aid in their Science, DT, Food […]
Y7s Visit Scotia Works and Graves Art Gallery

Today a group of Year 7 students were invited to Scotia Works and Graves Art Gallery to take part in a project about identity, power and relationships – the three drivers of our English curriculum. We looked at a range of pieces of art work and debated what messages that the artists were trying […]