International Women’s Day at Gainsborough

Yesterday, Gainsborough Academy celebrated International Women’s Day across the school. 💜 The TGA Staff did their part by wearing purple and participating in a Danceathon after school. 💃

On Monday 27th of February, The Gainsborough Academy hosted Singsation, which featured Hayley Sanderson, the vocalist from Strictly Come Dancing, and her band. Six local primary schools participated in the event, as well as The Gainsborough Academy’s school choir, to create a choir of over 200! Schools have been working hard over the last few […]
World Book Day

The Gainsborough Academy celebrated World Book Day in style, with a door decorating competition. Form groups and their teachers were very competitive and the corridors of TGA have been transformed by the variety of book covers (classroom doors). This has given staff and students an opportunity to ask questions about favourite books and even recommend […]
Slime Scientists 🧪

Our dedicated year 7 scientists attended science club and created slime this week! 🥼🧪👨🔬 Next science club is on the 14th of March, those who attend will create spaghetti marshmallow towers! 🗼🍝
MFL Curriculum Newsletter

Each month, subject-specific newsletters are sent out to parents/carers. For February, MFL was the subject area our curriculum newsletters focused on. Check them out using the link below. Why not get involved by asking your child about their MFL learning recently? Look out for March’s technology edition, coming in the next couple of weeks! Newsletters 🖱
Y7 French and Candlemass

We have been teaching Y7 about La Chandeleur (Candlemass), which is celebrated in France in February. As part of this they have been learning how to make crêpes in French and have been busy making and sending us their efforts – they look delicious! Miam-miam!
Onatti Productions Perform to Y9, 10 and 11

Onatti Productions made a very welcome return to the Academy to perform their French play “La Maison Hantée” to Year 9, 10 and 11 French students. Several students were asked to supplement the cast as the story covered a night in a haunted house with two lost French friends. Students have been talking about it all […]
Year 7 Relief Project

Year 7 have been looking at “relief” and how height on maps can represented by contours, spot heights and by colour. Here they created Islands with coloured card. 👏
Volunteering Opportunities – Sport, Leisure, & Wellbeing

Everyone Active are on the lookout for enthusiastic individuals who would like to offer some of their spare time to support our trained coaches in the delivery of community wellbeing activities. These activities take place within our leisure centre provision at both Gainsborough and Market Rasen, and across our community outreach programme. If you or […]
HEPP Funding Event for Disabled Student’s

A reminder that HEPP are putting on a ‘Funding Support at University for Disabled Students’ event. They will give you all of the help and support regarding finance that student’s may need when going into further education. The event will take place on Tuesday 28th February from 17:00 – 18:00. For more information and to […]