100% Attendance

Congratulations to the following students for achieving 100% attendance last term. 100% Attendance Prize Draw Winners Kaleb Sheriff Y7 – £20 Amazon Voucher Heidi Wilkinson Y11 – £10 Amazon Voucher Lola Kennedy Y11 – £5 Amazon Voucher How to Play: Win a raffle ticket for every week you have 100% attendance – increase your chances […]
WPT Christmas Card Competition 2022 Winners

We now have our winners for the WPT Christmas Card Competition! After a tough round of judging, we have whittled the 43 shortlisted designs down even further to get our 14 winners – the most winners we’ve ever had! All winners have received a box of Heroes, a £10 Amazon voucher and a pack of […]
Christmas Dinner 2022

Yesterday, staff and students enjoyed Christmas dinner which was served by members of the Leadership Team and Trust CEO, Helen O’Brien. PC Gayle Newton and PCSO Mel Crabtree – who have been working with students this term – also joined us for lunch!
Christmas Themed Non-Uniform Day!

On the 16th December, we are having a Christmas-themed non-uniform day across Wickersley Partnership Trust Secondary Schools. This is in aid of Save the Children. There will be a voluntary contribution of £1. Please note that it is not compulsory to wear a Christmas jumper however, festive-themed colours, outfits, or items of clothing are encouraged.
Cards of Kindness!

Our first Cards of Kindness are due to be posted out today, created by Y7/8 PSHE students these cards will be sent to the Patient Experience Team at The United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust to be distributed at their hospitals and services across Lincolnshire.
PE Stars

Well done to all of our recent PE stars – they have all worked incredibly hard in PE lessons and have each won a free football ticket to see a live Gainsborough Trinity football game.
Y9 Social Sciences

Y9 Social Sciences have been studying a unit of work about Failings in Health and Social Care, considering what it takes to be an effective practitioner. They have produced some fantastic work.’
WPT Christmas Card Competition 2022 – Shortlist Revealed!

Over the past few weeks, students from across all of our schools have been getting creative in our fourth annual WPT Christmas Card competition. Students had to draw or design a Christmas card to be in with a chance of winning a prize, and their design being featured on professionally printed cards that will be […]
Y11 Careers Morning

Last week we hosted a careers morning with local colleges, training providers, and sixth forms, where year 11 students have had the opportunity to complete applications and use Unifrog, our new careers platform. Thank you to the school council for hosting the event, and organising refreshments and car parking.
The TGA Elf is Back!

The Elf is back and recently flew into the rehearsals of We will rock you! Keep a look out for him over the next few weeks!