Get into Law Insight Evening Online Event

Calling all perspective Law Students Young Professionals is hosting an incredible event for you and quite possibly one of the biggest Law events to take place yet! On the 7th of February between 5pm – 8pm they are going to be joined by 8 of the world’s biggest Law firms / institutions. They have two […]
Translation Challenge

Well done to Lily-Mae Patmore who won Mr Miller’s £5 translation challenge – students translated a long piece of French or Spanish as they discussed their choice of language for Y9 and beyond. 🤩 Well done also to Yasmin Clarkson who won the £5 bravery raffle where students tried different foods from France and Spain […]
HEPP Parent / Carer Understanding Student Finance Session

HEPP is running an online Understanding Student Finance session for parents and carers. It will take place on Thursday 9th February 2023 from 5pm – 6pm. You will learn about: How much money students can receive as a loan or non-repayable bursary / scholarship The extra financial support they may be eligible for Repayments How […]
Sikh Education Service Visit

In December all Year 8, 9 and Sixth Form students across Wickersley Partnership Trust enjoyed a visit from the Sikh Education Service. Mr Harkirat Singh visited each school and delivered an informative assembly which covered a range of topics including a brief history of the Sikh faith, some of the key Sikh beliefs and shared […]
100% Attendance

Congratulations to the 186 students who achieved 100% attendance during half term 1.
Onatti Productions

Earlier this week Onatti productions returned to perform their Spanish play “Mi Personalidad” to Y9/10. The play was performed totally in Spanish by actors Javier and Paula. Students got involved in the production (Well done to Connor Carney) and stayed at the end to ask questions. Students left buzzing saying that it was funny and […]
Y7 Science Club

Y7 science club investigated density using coloured sugar water, students were really impressed with their rainbows 🌈’.
Christmas Coffee Afternoon

On the 9th of December, we held our very first Christmas Coffee Afternoon, welcoming members of Howson Care Centre and members of our local community. Bingo, crafts, and singing added entertainment to our festivities! We were lucky enough to receive donations of prizes and refreshments from Browns in Marshalls Yard (what an amazing gift bag!), […]
Awards Assembly

Last term our students from all year groups received a variety of awards in their final assembly of the winter term. Congratulations to all of those students for their hard work and dedication to their studies. We hope all of our families have had a restful Christmas break and a Happy New Year.”
Kindness Card Winners!

Over this half term, we have been encouraging our students to demonstrate the British values we wish to see within our school community, with a focust on respect and kindness. Staff have been awarding Kindness Cards to students which have then been entered into a draw for some amazing prizes, including a Nintendo Switch Lite! […]